Easter Berlin

Report assaults. Show Solidarity.

Crimes can take many different forms. Individuals can experience discrimination, insults, threats or physical violence, theft or robbery including theft perpetrated in connection with sex or deception,
traps set on a blind date, sexual harassment, exploitation or rape, online hate, stalking, blackmail,domestic violence, forced outing; they can be spat on, attacked with items thrown or drugged with
knockout drops. All of this, and much more. Report incidents, also as a witness. MANEO is offering information and advice to persons affected by crime and to witnesses. Qur assistance is experienced, capable and confidential. MANEO works since 1990.

Get involved. Respect eachoth

Easter Berlin

Melde Übergriffe! Zeige Solidarität!

Straftaten können sehr unterschiedlich aussehen. Menschen können Diskriminierung, Beleidigung, Bedrohung oder körperliche Gewalt erleben, Diebstahl oder Raub, Beischlaf- oder Trickdiebstahl,
Fallen beim Blind Date, sexuelle Belästigung, Ausbeutung oder Vergewaltigung, Hass im Netz, Stalking, Erpressungen, Häusliche Gewalt, Zwangsouting, sie können bespuckt, mit Gegenständen
beworfen oder Opfer von KO-Tropfen werden. Dies alles, und noch mehr. Melde Vorfälle, auch als Zeugin. MANEO bietet Information und Beratung für Betroffene und Zeuginnen von Straftaten an
– erfahren, kompetent und vertraulich. MANEO arbeitet seit 1990.

Mitmachen! Rücksicht nehmen!


Report assaults. Show Solidarity.
Crimes can take many different forms. Individuals can experience discrimination, insults, threats or
physical violence, theft or robbery including theft perpetrated in connection with sex or deception,
traps set on a blind date, sexual harassment, exploitation or rape, online hate, stalking, blackmail,
domestic violence, forced outing; they can be spat on, attacked with items thrown or drugged with
knockout drops. All of this, and much more. Report incidents, also as a witness. MANEO is offering
information and advice to persons affected by crime and to witnesses. Qur assistance is
experienced, capable and confidential. MANEO works since 1990.

Get involved. Respect eachother.